Solutions for every business need.

Expand your services as more clients look to their bookkeepers to be a single provider of tax, bookkeeping and administrative services.

Practice Setup and License

We setup a business name chosen by you with which you trade with your clients. We provide Licensed Agent supervision which will in the end lead to you acquiring the necessary Relevant Experience to assist you to get your own Tax Agent License. Usually after two years of supervision and training we can sign off for you to obtain your own unsupervised Tax Agent License.

Technical tax advice and Practice Management input

In addition to supervising you in preparing tax returns we assist you by providing general tax advice and practice management input based on years of experience.

Ready-Made Financial Support Network

In addition to providing ongoing tax and practice support we provide you with regular newsletters and technical support bulletins, as well as a network of commission-based relationships with licensed Financial Planners, Insurance Agents and Finance consultants.

Join the growing number of bookkeepers using our services to support and expand their business through the use of TAP services.

Book a Call

Expand your horizons

We are not a training college (although we have recommended courses for you to undertake if required).We are Licensed Tax Agents willing to provide you with the supervision and training you require to obtain your own Tax Agent License or BAS Agent License, and can also provide you with the guidance you will need to run your practice.

Businesses are sick to death of standing in the middle between bookkeepers and tax agents, acting as a conduit of information. Instead, they want one provider for all services. This means, if you’re a bookkeeper, you need to become a tax agent as well! That’s your path to success.

Get moving and TAP your potential.

Guidance and Supervision
Technical Support and Business Development
Professional Network

Are you a recent graduate or experienced bookkeeper?  Consider joining the Institute of Tax Agents.

We can

  • Assist and develop new and existing clients doing tax and BAS returns under ITA’s guidance and comprehensive tax program
  • Help you build your practice and goodwill
  • Make the process as and straightforward.

If you have the clients and base we can help you do the rest.

Are you a bookkeeper,
with your own clients?

“Tax Agent Pathway enables me and my team to deliver tax services to our clients. The support and guidance I have received from the TAP team have been amazing. Highly recommend to anyone considering!”

Lucas Querios
LQB Financial

“I have just been notified that I am now officially a tax agent.  Thank you so much for your service and help over the past two years. This dream of mine is now a reality because of TAP. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Tax Agent Pathway has given my business the ability to deliver multiple financial services to our clients whilst working towards our TPB supervision requirements. The support and administration are fantastic.”

Benjamin Dennis
Mavensworth Advisory

“Tax Agent Pathway helps me deliver taxation services to all my clients. The TAP team is always extremely helpful and very professional. Great work.”

“I’ve been through the program and have now got my Tax agent license. The support was fantastic. Can’t recommend Tax Agent Pathway highly enough.”

“TAP is an exceptional service and network for budding tax professionals. The clarity in supervision and transparency is highly professional, helping build a culture while serving clients.”

Shantanu Sarkar
Amaze Accounting

“Thanks to enrolling with Tax Agent Pathway I fast-tracked the process to becoming a tax agent in a quarter of the time. They are experienced and they care for your success.”

Ivonne Perez
Key Taxation Services

“Tax Agent Pathway helps me get the experience required at my firm to maximise my services to my clients”.


Customer first

It’s in our DNA


Done with meaning


You can rely on us


Only the best will do

Our Values

In everything we do, we believe in delivering to our customers first, and doing it better than we did yesterday.

Talk to our team.

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